
Diving Into The Nitty Gritty of Things with Girls with Grit

Ep. 141

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Joanne Bolt (Intro)

The power of a podcast extends well beyond plugging in the mind. So if you're ready to learn how it can help you build a big business, then I’m your best friend, Hi, I'm Joanne Bolt and I am obsessed with all things podcasting, and creating an unapologetically big revenue business with it from podcast guesting to podcast hosting and everything in between. We're gonna dive into it all and show you step by awesome step how using a podcast can and will grow your business. So grab a glass of wine and pop your headphones on. Cuz, Girlfriend, happy hour has begun here on the B-Word.


Joanne Bolt 

Hey Girlfriends, Welcome back to The B-Word, Holy cow, have I got a jam packed episode for you today, not only do I have one powerful woman that I'm interviewing, I've actually brought in three, I've got the girls with grit girls, the very own EXP powerhouses that I have watched over the years come together and collaborate in ways that no one ever imagined could be done to build something super powerful for the real estate community. So, ladies, I'll let you jump in really quick and give a quick background on what girls with grit is and who you are in relation to it.


Girls with Grit 

Awesome. Tara, this is your Avenue, you're good at telling all about Girls with Grit


Girls with Grit 

Hey, I love telling our origin story. Because it's super fun and a little bit unexpected. We actually we were just talking about that a little bit ago about how sometimes you build something accidentally, right, you have the best intention and you think something's gonna go one way. And then it's even better than you could have ever imagined. So girls with grid, we actually started right during the pandemic, we had each known each other through some just various walks of life, EXP online social media groups and things like that. And when the pandemic happened, there was just there was a lot happening, right? Like one day we woke up and we couldn't see houses anymore, or list houses anymore. And so we kind of came together. Each of us has a wealth of experience in the industry. And we were like, how can we lead some people we were still finding success inside the marketplace. And we were like, how can we help some of these other women in particular, right, kind of weather this storm and make it through this unexpected thing that was happening. And so it's funny because we started on a we started on clubhouse actually do you Curtis, remember that we were on clubhouse. And every Tuesday night, we would like get our wine. And we were like, we're probably going to talk to ourselves, but it's fine. Like, it'll be fun. And then people just started showing up. And they started showing up and they started showing up. And before we knew it, we had hundreds of strangers from all across the nation joining us as we just kind of shared like best practices, what was working for us. And so that's kind of that's kind of how it started. I think that one of the most impactful things, though, that has come out of girls with grid is the ability to kind of show people that you can build any type of business that you want to inside of this industry as a mom as a wife as a woman, and not be apologetic about it. Right. Like I think that there's a lot of you know, I don't want to call it misinformation. But everybody has this idea of how it should be right and like so the people that are like gung ho full time, they're like, Oh, well, you can't sell real estate part time. Like, that's not a real job, right? Like you're just servicing the industry by doing that. And then on the flip side, you've got people that are like, Oh, if you're like a powerful independent business owner in this industry, especially as a woman, like, what kind of Mom, are you? Like, are you there for your husband, right? So there's just all of these like, predisposed ideas. I say it a lot. But I'm like, you know, if so, we're not like raging feminist by any stretch. We all love and appreciate all the men in our lives. But we also say like, if, if a man goes out and builds a really big business, everybody's like, Oh, my God, he's like, the best provider. He's the best dad. He's like, How amazing would it be for him to be my husband, if he did that, right? But then a woman goes out and they do it. And there's a lot of shame that goes around with that. And so, you know, we were like, we're just gonna build, we're gonna build a community where you can build the business that you want, and that we're all here for each other to raise each other up and collaborate. And we'll see if people like it. And now we've got 15,000 women. We've got women in every single state in the United States, we've got six different countries represented inside of girls with Greg at this point. And so yeah, I guess people like it, I guess people like that idea.


Joanne Bolt 

I think that it has definitely taken off. I mean, it's something that even when you when I first started seeing you guys show up, I mean, I'm not a baby agent. You know, I have had my license for 20 years, I've run a $56 million producing team here in Atlanta. And even I was like, Oh, my gosh, they seem like the girls, I want to sit down to have a glass of wine with like, you are so welcoming to both the newer agents who are figuring shit out and the agents who were like, No, we've already figured it out. We just want friends and we want someone that is not going to look at us as competition. And I know that that's originally what drew me to, you know, following you guys on social media and starting to kind of follow your progress through everything you've done. So kudos to y'all for doing such a good job on that. You appreciate it. 


Girls with Grit 

You know, I just happen though. I think that's the fun part of it is like we all had the same mindset. similar mindset of like, well, we're gonna do this and let's just see what happens with it. One thing led to another before you knew it, they were asking us to start a coaching program for women in real estate. And so that's that's grown tremendously over the last two years. But more than anything, I think you hit the nail on the head, we were tired of being lonely and feeling like, you know, if we were successful, but if we complemented another women, it was like a bad thing, when really like that. That's not true, you can complement another woman and not diminish your own success. So we wanted to create that space, we were tired of the Mean Girl stigma. And I mean, honestly, in really, any industry is just how it is women just are like that sometimes to each other. And we don't put up with it, we don't put up with it in the group. In fact, we have been told that we're Mean Girls, because we kick me and girls out. I just don't put up with it. And so our grip could be probably three times the size that it is, but we're very protective of the space, we don't allow that type of energy in there. And it's a great place to be.


Joanne Bolt 

I love that, you know, and I will tell you, I've even bought, I have bought some of your materials, some of your courses and downloads, because I'm very protective of my real estate agents. And I'm like, well, if I'm going to bring this group on, you know, I want to make sure that they really are who I think that they really are. And I mean, even buying some of your material, I'm like, yeah, these are the real deal. Like they actually are going to show you how to do this stuff that everyone needs help with.


Girls with Grit 

I think, go ahead, learn that I was just gonna say part of that obviously comes from experience right in that's not like to say, Oh, we've been in the business for X amount of years. Like we get it. That's annoying when you hear people say that, but honestly, a lot of it is just experience. And it's the fact that we've all three done a lot of deals in different markets. And we've seen the ups and we've seen the downs, and we've had to navigate tough stuff. So fortunately for the girls in the community, they're getting to learn from our mistakes, right? But that's the cool part, we can look back and say how could we have done this better? If I had had what we offer these girls, my first two, three years in the business, oh my gosh, like I'd be retired by now honestly. But it took you know, personally even for myself 1012 13 years to like, really, really figure this out. And I think the power of girls with grit is the power of that collaboration, because the three of us individually ran really awesome businesses. But when you combine three top performing agent systems into one and you take the best things from three different agents who do it totally different, it is just it skyrockets, like the level of professionalism. So I think that's what you see in our products. I know that's what you see in our products. And we're proud of them, we put a lot of work into them. And we're really proud of them. We want other agents when they purchase our stuff to feel like this is next level. And I'm proud to like implement these systems. 


Joanne Bolt 

And that's why I'm pointing this out. You know, ladies, if you're listening here today, and I know I have a huge real estate audience that listens in I used to give all my material to my team members. And that's why I went ahead and bought some of the stuff from girls with grit, because I just wanted to, quite frankly, make sure it's up to snuff. You know, because like, let's be honest, you can look at a lot of people on social media and think it's gonna be wonderful. And then you purchase something from them or join a coaching program and you're like, it falls so flat. Yep. And so you know, I purchased it, I spent the money on it. And I looked at and I was like, this is something I would have given to my own team members. And for that, I can say without a doubt, I will cheerlead anything you guys do for the real estate community? Because it really is like you getting what you think you're getting and more. Oh, thank you for that. 


Girls with Grit 

I mean, are you saying that that's always like the best thing that we can hear? Right. And I am NOT an affiliate. We're like, we love it.


Joanne Bolt 

Like you're out there going Joanne loves her some affiliates? I do. This is just from the bottom of my heart. 


Girls with Grit 

So we don't have affiliate links. Maybe we should get rolling on that, though. All right.


Joanne Bolt 

Talk about that later. Because I think you're at the point where you probably need it to scale just a little bit more, because we can always scale a little bit more, right? 


Girls with Grit 

Oh, for sure. Yeah, absolutely. We could. All right. So I do want to say something that you mentioned, I think it's true, because you've been in this industry as long as we have to. And it's true. Sometimes you see people on social media and their stuff looks fantastic, because they're really great at branding themselves and their business. But then you get a peek behind the curtain and it's just shambles. And I think that's why the three of us said, we're going all in on this because we knew it didn't exist yet. We knew that if there was going to be a program created and curated specifically for women, why couldn't we be the ones to do it? Right? So that's part of it. You know, we walked the walk, we talk, the talk and everything that we've created is stuff that we use in our own business, and we are at the heart of hearts, coaches, teachers and content creators and we want to see others have the same level of success that we've had in the last, you know, 1015 20 years of our careers and also cheerlead them to build a life of their dreams, whatever that looks like to them, you know, and I think that's the important piece of it. We do that, specifically for that reason. We want to see other women live their dream life the way that we've been able to do real estate. 


Joanne Bolt 

Yeah. So you're really just linking arms with them and saying, Hey, girl, I got you. This is what we see. This is what we've experienced, you know, let me guide you through that process. But yeah, and I love another thing about your program is you truly and I think this is really also what sets you apart is so unique. You truly don't give a shit what brokers someone's at. Like, sure, we would love them all to be exp. That's where we are. But at the end of the day, if they're Harry Norman Coldwell Banker REMAX like you're there to teach coach and educate so you really don't, you don't care. Right? That is something in the real estate industry, you don't see a lot.


Girls with Grit 

I feel like that is something that really stands out inside of girls with grit, because I think there's a lot of people that say, they don't care where you're at. And it's really a little bit of like a, like two faced if there if there's any way to describe it, because it's like, I'm gonna say that I, but then really, I'm just giving you all this information. And if you don't want to join my team, join my coaching program, join my brokerage, then, you know, move along. And really here we really don't, I mean, we encourage that we encourage like, we've put people on our stages at our conferences that we spend hundreds of 1000s of dollars to throw from real Keller Williams, um, you know, any other brokerage, right. And so, because at the end of the day, there's enough, there's enough room for everybody, right, there's enough room for everybody. And, and we want to make sure that people don't lose out because they're with a different brand. 


Girls with Grit 

Yeah, you know, we've worked really hard and trying to make it broker agnostic, we don't, we don't shove exp in their face at all. In fact, we really, truly believe in the whole term agent attraction. If they want to learn about it, they'll reach out to one of us, and we'll talk to them about it. But we're even in our coaching program, we don't, we don't cold call or reach out, whatever you want to call it DM any of our coaching students and say, hey, you need to join us like, that's not what we're here for, we're here to support them. And if they see our vision, and they respect us enough, and see the tools that we're giving them are helping their business, and they have the thought of like, wow, if this is helping my business, maybe I should reach out to them and ask them why they've aligned and decided to broker their business through exp, then when that conversation comes up, then we're totally candid with them and have that conversation. But truly the heart of hearts, it's that's not even where a heads up, you know.


Joanne Bolt 

And also beautifully. I'm not saying you, you know, have intentions of leaving exp, but you have now built something so broke or agnostic, and so attractive to everyone that if you you know, if the day comes where the three of you or one of you wants to switch out and go somewhere else, it's not going to cause a disruption in your overall business. And that is something I think a lot of people are so short sighted about. Yeah, for sure. I agree. Alright, let's talk about your conferences, because I have some major FOMO Occasionally, when I watched the videos for them, you should...


Girls with Grit 

basically we don't sleep for like four months, we're complete psychos. 


Joanne Bolt 

Okay. So tell me kind of from start to finish the process of putting together a conference. What do you do when you sit down and think about the theme, the location, the ideal client avatar, and some of what goes through your, your minds when you're selecting your speakers? And how are we putting all that together Girls?


Girls with Grit 

Oh, my gosh, well, it's, it's, it's, there's a whole whole lot that is like such a loaded question, because there's so many pieces of it, right. But like, at the heart of hearts when we start our conference planning, number one, we are extra, if you haven't figured that out yet, right? So like, we're always like, how do we make this something where it's somebody walks away and feels like that was the most incredible experience on all levels that I've ever had personally or professionally, right. And so and the reason is, is because this this is it's a it's about a lot more than like having somebody like speak at you from stage, right. It's about networking. It's about building relationships, it's about building friendships, it's about you know, all of these different things. And so, you know, the very first conference we ever threw, I don't know, if you if, you know, like, kind of some of the details about that, but like, it was the middle of the pandemic. And we were like, we should totally do an in person event like, that's...


Joanne Bolt 

Why not worse.


Girls with Grit 

Three of us were over it. We're like, we're like, you know, we're like kind of getting through this was June of 12. The planning process started in about March of 2021. And so we were like, who will let us in and so by Uh, but you know, with that being said, you know, that was a learning experience for us, right? Because we were like, we're just gonna, like, we were the only real. So I mean, we had like a couple people speak for 10 minutes at a time. But like, we were like the real major speakers of that. And we always said it was like, we were like, we basically threw a wedding. Right. But for all of our, for all of our girls with grant at that time. And then the next year, we were like, how do we make it even better, because even that first year, even though it was a short window of planning, and we were super limited on, you know, resources in terms of money, and just everything, you know, people walked away, and we're like, that was so amazing. Like, I signed me up right now for next year, like, wherever it is, we don't care. And so we were like, wow, that is really cool. Like, we want to do this again. So then the next year is like, what can we do that's bigger and better, right? And so then we did beach Fest in St. Pete Beach. And so we were like, Where can we go and learn? But also, it'd be like a destination, right? That's always something else we're looking at is like, what can what can we do that will be fun, not only during the conference time, but like where people can explore someplace that maybe they haven't been before or see something new. And so we did beach fest. And then then we had so many people coming, that we were like, now we're limited, right? Because now we have like, Where can we put 500 people in a room because we knew that that was going to be the attendance for cowgirl. And that really limits it. Because you're like either like tiny room or you're like Las Vegas Convention Center, right? 


Joanne Bolt 

it's hard to get those in between conference spaces.


Girls with Grit 

Super important. We found like, in our experience, we don't want it because we go to a lot of conferences to obviously, and you lose that intimacy factor when it's so big and so overwhelming. So we really want to try to continue to find spaces that that fit well with our needs. But that aren't like, too big. whelming Yeah.


Joanne Bolt 

And we do several a year, right, like two.


Girls with Grit 

We do one big conference, like we throw one big conference a year. And then this will actually be our first year that we've done two in one year. We've done so we have our mastermind coming up our beach retreat mastermind and so that's like, that's a completely different thing, though. Right? Like, that's like a small incident. Well, small 75 people, you know, kind of more intimate setting Manas. Yeah, right. But I don't know we we totally believe more is more like that's just like that is our motto when it comes to...


Girls with Grit 

Actually, pretty soon here. We're doing a site visit for our next location. We can't tell you where yet. But hopefully pretty soon in the next couple of weeks or months, we'll be announcing dates and location of next year's conference. It's going to be even bigger and better. And we're excited about it more into the fun committee. Lauren's the one like as soon as we start talking locations, she's thinking like themes, and she's thinking like food, then like, what can we do for the VIP party? I don't know. We have fun. In fact, there's probably if you go look, on our Instagram, you can see a video of Tara accidentally blasting Lauren in the face with a co2 gun at one of our parties at our last conference. It was fun. 


Joanne Bolt 

It wasn't let's dangle a little intrigue for our audience. Are we looking west coast or east coast?


Girls with Grit

Somewhere close to that.


Joanne Bolt 

I know we're awful. Oh, do you do well it given that intrigue. So people are like dying to follow along and find out.


Girls with Grit 

We we have some really cool fun ideas coming up. So we're hoping that we like the location in person as much as we've liked it at it during our research process. Because we're excited to release it too. Right? Like we want to make sure that that that we're getting giving everybody enough time to plan accordingly and make those plans so that they can be gone and like fully invested for the week because it really is, you know, I'll tell you this last conference, especially we had people there that are conference junkies, right? Like people that go to 510 or more conferences per year, coming up to us and going this is the craziest thing that I've ever been to and all the best ways. And so it's not just it's not just experience, it was the level of speakers, right? The amount that they were able to take away and actually implement into their business, the friendships and relationships that they've made. And so, you know, I think that you can tell whether it's you know, we try to do a great job of it, but I think it's just like anything else, like when you go to an event that's thrown by somebody else, whether it's real estate or whatever, you can tell if there was really a lot of thought put into what is this feel like for the attendee, or whether it's just like we're doing this because we're supposed to and you know,


Joanne Bolt 

I find that the same with podcasters you know, I podcaster who has started their podcasts because they just think it should be part of their business, versus one who really, really loves and enjoys pouring in verbally, you know, to people like, there is such a difference when you're listening to this podcast.


Girls with Grit 

Mm hmm. And there are things you know, there are things in our business that we we will scale and we want to scale. But there's also some of those little details that we will probably always hold on to just, it does make that much didn't like we understand the difference that it makes for our community. And we're not willing to sack as hard as it is for us to do some of these details for this event. We're not willing to sacrifice the experience for them just to make it easier for us. Love that.


Joanne Bolt 

Alright, so I'll throw this next question and an ask that each one of you in turn, answers it and Lauren, I'll start with you if that's okay. What do you think you've learned the most overall by forming a business with with these two other women?


 Girls with Grit 

Oh, Lord, I've learned a lot about myself. I will say that. No, I think I'm I think learning how to identify your strengths and your weaknesses has been, has been huge, like learn being okay with being knowing that you're really good at some things and knowing that maybe you're not so great at other things and being okay with letting other people rise and shine in that light and not trying to be all things if that makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. So that for me, I think I've learned a lot about that over the past few years. And I think it's been good. It's helped me grow.


Joanne Bolt 

Okay. All right, Tara.


Girls with Grit 

Ash, for me, you know, I think that through the process of girls with grit, it's made me brave, if that makes sense, like, and I think that I thought that I was brave before. But I look back at like some of the stuff that we've done in the last couple of years. And just like, looking at the person that I was when girls with grit started, right where it was, like, I didn't like networking with other agents. If I'm being honest, I didn't like necessarily being on camera I like I'd love to teach in person, but like, I wasn't teaching online. And so with every, like, break point that we've had inside of girls with grit, like, as much as it's helping the women in our community, like, it's, it's helping us so much to right, because like, we get to go out and try things and go out on a limb that we wouldn't necessarily maybe have done before. But we're pushing ourselves every single day, you know, we we teach our girls to create, you know, goals and commitments inside of their businesses. And we do the same thing instead of girls with grit, right. So like, we're walking the walk alongside with them, it might look a little different. But like I never in a million years would be like, oh, yeah, like, I'm just gonna sign a personal guarantee for half a million dollars to throw a conference like that takes some guts. Yes. So I think just learning to bet on myself even more than I had in the past was it has been a big growth and then, and well, I'll let Jamie Go. I think I know what she's gonna say. No, it would have been my second part.


Joanne Bolt 

So you go, Oh, do you?


Girls with Grit 

Sometimes we're brain twins. I No, no, I was gonna say honestly, a really good partnership is similar to a really good marriage, where you're gonna you're gonna have disagreements and Spats, you're gonna have arguments. And similar to what Lauren said, we each have our own strengths and weaknesses. But we're able to go further a lot faster together, you get three powerhouse women together with a vision. And you're freaking unstoppable. And I never ever thought that I would be sitting in this position with so many women that truly look up to us. Like, honestly, that's, that's been the biggest honor and ride of a lifetime is to have the ability to pour into these women because they truly do look up to what we've built and to be there for them to be a support. And honestly, it's taught me to be very careful with who I go into business with, because you think you know, people, but you really don't until you're really in the trenches with them. And the three of us were truly like, We're best friends. We argue like Sister sometimes we're business partners, but there's no one else in this world that I could have ever imagined building this with besides them.


Joanne Bolt 

Truly, how beautiful. Thank you. All right, so here is the question that I can guarantee a lot of my agents that are listening are probably thinking to themselves right now and I've been curious, watching you ladies over the last couple of years myself. If you were to look at girls with grit versus your everyday real estate, businesses, what do you think I know you you know, you started out probably girls with grit 10% selling homes 90% And it's had to shift over the years because this girl's with grid has taken off more than you thought it was going to and wonderful ways. What do each of you think you know your balances right now? How much are you still selling her? Women's through a team or otherwise? I don't have to give exact percentage.


Girls with Grit 

No. So, you know, I'm kind of glad that you asked this question because I feel like it's one of those things that people wonder. But then like, don't ever really like ask us. Because I think where the, I don't want to call it a misconception, but like, I think people think that like, we were just able to, like stop selling houses and do this now, right? Like, oh, like, oh my god, they're like, you know, they do all this girls. Like, it was definitely not like that. I mean, if I for myself, personally, I'll be honest, up until like, the last two or three months, it wasn't like, I'm laying off of my real estate business, it was that girls with grit was in addition, like, I would say, pretty easily, we spend 30 to 40 hours a week each on girls with grit, and have since the beginning, but like, we also still had to run our real estate businesses, because realistically, up until recently, like we weren't really making any money, right? Like we were set, like we sold our courses and our coaching and all of that, but there is a lot of money that gets invested back into the business for conferences, like we don't make any money on our conferences. I'm just going to be honest, like, but like it, you know, we have our own coaching. We have our own business coaches, we have employment, you know, we have our operations manager now. And so I we had to continue selling houses, there was no choice and doing that, right, like, and so I think we always will sell houses, because I think that that's one of the things that makes us really unique. In this industry, if there's a hunt, like you could throw a rock and hit 100 coaches that want to tell you about how to sell houses, but they've never done it sold one in 10 years. Yeah. And I think that that's something that is a huge benefit to our community is that we have our polls on the market all the time, right, because we're still selling at a very high level. But I will say, you know, I, gosh, I don't even know if I can really say like 5050 or 80 hour weeks? 


Girls with Grit 

I don't know, I think I think at this point, I'll speak on behalf of all of us because I can I think we're all in the similar spot, that selling real estate is probably 25 to 30% of our income at this point. And I think more than anything, what girls, the grid has allowed us is more freedom to where we're not chasing the next transaction and opening doors all weekend, you know, all the time. So in that in that aspect, yes, we work really hard on girls with grit, we're not having to like be slaves to our real estate transactions anymore. Does that make sense? So now it's like it's given us more freedom. It's given us the ability to go on vacations with our families when we want to and not be stressed out, because we've got 20 deals going, you know, so it's, it's different. And it's not to say that we don't work hard, because we still do. And we're still texting and emailing and working all the time amongst the three of us. But it's just given us a whole lot more freedom and the ability to kind of also invest together and other other things, and other businesses and stuff like that. So that's been a cool part. Yeah,


Joanne Bolt 

I think it's important for everyone to really understand. And that's and so thank you for being so honest about it is, it looks wonderful from day one on your social media. But events don't they're hardly ever actually profitable. The actual event, it's what occurs afterward, or it's the relationship forming or their brand building. But it still you cannot just drop what you're doing first, because you suddenly got you know, a little bit of success on the second piece, you have to slowly walk one a little bit, you know, to be a little bit less of the piece of the pie so that the other one can come up. And it doesn't happen overnight.


Girls with Grit 

No. And it's a tricky dance to that people don't realize, right? Like you want to show up, as you know, building this awesome community. And we do and we build this awesome community. But then, in the backend, they don't see the checks that we get where we lost the listing, because somebody thinks that we're not in real estate anymore. They think all we're doing is they're on conferences and doing coaching. So there's been a lot of that, too. So it's tricky to decide, how am I going to show up, like, you have to be strategic, and I don't think any of us do it perfect. We're just trying the best we can. But we want to show up for our clients. And we want people to still see that we're active in the real estate space, but at the same time, show up for our community and the other agents and show that we're reinvesting back in our business by going to events and doing coaching and hosting those same things. So it's the little stuff that people don't see on the back end and we have had to make sacrifices to build this community. It's been 100% worth it but it's been it's been hard and there's been some challenges involved.


Joanne Bolt 

Yeah, okay, so what do you think the biggest challenge right now y'all are experiencing


Girls with Grit 

Hmm Good question. Wow.


Joanne Bolt 

You know that the hardest, definitely have challenges. We have


Girls with Grit 

challenges but I think the hardest part and I think any any person He's built a successful business will agree with my statement is that it's hard to find the right people to fill the right roles to scale your business so that you're not the one handling everything. You don't want your hands and everything all the time. And so I think that's the hardest part, growing a successful business, finding the right people trusting that they're able to do the work at least 90% of what you would if you did it yourself, you know, but that's the thing that three of us are all really extremely talented, Lauren still does a lot of our copywriting emails, Tara does a ton of like our Canva, and artwork and presentations, I do a lot of the templates and content and stuff like that, that are part of our module. So I think, you know, it's hard to fully replace ourselves, if that makes sense. So I think growing a business, it's hard to find the right people, it really, really is.


Joanne Bolt 

Yeah, as a solopreneur, I'll say, sometimes I'm like, Oh, I wish I had two or three people, you know, that we're brain children with me and not people I've hired because, you know, maybe it is easier to give it out or to collaborate amongst but it's also I think, probably difficult. Sometimes when one person wants to go in one direction, the other person's feeling pulled in the other direction. So, you know, managing that has probably, you know, been one of the things you guys have had to learn over the years too.


Girls with Grit 

hat I think we're usually on the same page. As far as like, the direction that we went, I think, for us, the really the hardest piece is like, we are super protective about what we put out there. Like, you know, we don't want to put out something that we're not really, really proud of, and that people are willing to go out and like like yourself, right? You said, like, oh, I bought it to like, make sure it was good. And that it checked out. Like, we want everybody to feel that way. And we don't ever want to feel like oh gosh, like we could have done a better job on this. And so it's hard to find people that are of that mindset, though, you know, it's just the same way, like as a real estate agent, right? Like you start buying leads. And like, the first thing you want to do is hire a VA because you don't want to call the leads, right? Like at some point in time, you have to do the heavy lifting yourself in order to make sure that the product that you're putting out or the service that you're putting out, is is something that you're proud of. So I think it's I think it's it's that piece of it, right. And a lot of this is it's it's like it's intellectual property, right? It's not like we run a machine that like builds a product like us and our brains and kind of putting it together. And so it's it's hard to get from here to the hair to paper, I guess sometimes.


Joanne Bolt 

Okay, so I know that the three of you are extremely busy women, and so I won't keep you much longer. I thank you so much for investing in to my community today. For everyone who is listening here and is like, Oh, holy hell, I've gotta have these girls in my life. And I don't know how you haven't heard of girls with grit if you're in real estate. But you're welcome. There you go. Here's my present to you. Where do y'all play in the most that you want people to jump into? Is it your Facebook group? Is it your Instagram? Like, where do you want them to reach out to you?


Girls with Grit 

Definitely our Facebook group, that's where the magic happens. You can just go to girls of, you'll see all of our resources on there, you'll see you know, some of our systems and things that we sell. But you also see where to join our Facebook group, there's a link that goes directly to our group. Our only circumstances that that we are really protective over is who we let into the group, right? So you have to have to have to be a woman and you have to have to have to hold a real estate license in order to join the group. So that's those are only two caveats really. And you have to have the right mindset if we see you being a wooded, wooded Lauren saying that one time if we see it being a stinky little hood, we're gonna kick you out. Okay. On Facebook, join our group. We'd love to have you guys and thanks for having us on your pod.


Girls with Grit 

Yeah, we appreciate it.


Joanne Bolt 

You're welcome. All right, everyone, as always go grow your empire. Put a microphone behind it and I will see you same time, same place next week.


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