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The B-Word Podcast, krystle church, effective story telling, story telling, business building

Building Your Business Through Effective Storytelling with Krystle Church

business strategy copywriting joanne bolt podcast strategy story selling storytelling

As a podcaster or entrepreneur, you should already know how important the art of copywriting can be to your business. Today on the podcast we’re welcoming Krystle Church! Krystle is the founder of the KC Copy Studio, a boutique copywriting agency that specializes in sales copy. She is also the host of The Freedom Found Podcast and is passionate about helping women amplify their voices. We’ll be breaking down the difference between copywriting and storytelling, and why weaving story-selling into your marketing is a neglected strategy to bring you more business! 





Apple | Goodpods | Google  

I believe there is a huge missed opportunity to add more story selling into content marketing and into other areas of your copy messaging, like in your website, sales pages, and even your podcast. It can really just bring your brand to the forefront of your industry as a business! 


Copywriting vs Storytelling

Copywriting is everything that we see and that we have in our business. Not only written, but also verbally in terms of our content, our brand presence, website, the captions on Instagram, the video scripts that you have in ads and more!

Storytelling can be an isolated moment, like a caption when you're talking directly to somebody or even in a podcast episode. But true “story selling” is what you should be doing in your copy. Your specific and focused messaging should be woven throughout your entire brand message.


Relating to Your Audience on Another Level

Even though you have your Ideal Client Avatar for your business, you don’t know the different kinds of people your content could be reaching. It’s the relatable moments you add to your storytelling that draws consumers in, regardless of the industry, experience or where they are from.

Krystle even said herself, she’s gotten the most engagements on her own podcast episodes in the ones where she intentionally opened up and shared something on a more personal level with her audience. 

However, story telling doesn’t always have to mean telling your personal journey or struggles. Most of the time, your storytelling is going to be a story reflected to our audience about where they currently are. So connecting with them on the level of asking yourself questions like, “What is it like to sit in their shoes right now?” What are they facing on a daily basis and what do they need to hear? Telling them that you see them and telling their story back to them is where you can really blend into story selling, where you are able to tell stories that sell in a subtle, but persuasive manner. 


Practice and Finding Balance 

Now this might sound easier said than done, but understand that just because storytelling might not come naturally to you, that doesn't mean you can’t improve in this area overtime. I think there is that disconnect with a lot of podcasters especially, because the art of storytelling is what prevents us from growing into something with a bigger audience! It really comes back to the fundamentals of your marketing and knowing your customer. Finding out who’s really listening and diving into that. The more you practice, the more you will be able to find that balance between giving out tips and step by step strategies, while also being vulnerable with sharing yourself and relatable stories. It’s a myth that showing or talking about your weakness can make your audience believe that you can’t be trusted to learn from in the future, because that is just not true! The right people will find your message and it will be what they need!


It’s Not About Instant Sales

A lot of people think that if you start a podcast for your business, getting a company to pay for ads is the only way to make money from it, while using your podcast messaging as a whole is the secret to getting sales. You don’t know what future clients are listening to your podcast, streaming from Youtube or coming across your account on Instagram, all while building that relationship of respect and trust with you and your story! All of it is tied together. Those consumers of your content are the ones making the internal decision that when it’s time, they are going to come to you for your skill, service or product. It’s a lot of work, but can really translate into so much growth for your business. 

Don’t forget to start tracking and looking at those metrics too! When you get new clients or customers, ask them where they are coming from and you just might be surprised.


You always have the option to take that leap and go all in, whether it be changing your copy on IG, website, or even starting a podcast! Your message doesn’t have to be perfect, because it will be perfect for somebody!

Remember, it is YOUR business, and you have the power to take it, grow it, put a microphone on it and scale it to where you want to go! 

Connect with Krystle via her Instagram, Website and The Freedom Found Podcast

And I would love to connect with you over on my instagram @itsjoannebolt as well! 

If you liked this post, I think these 2 others would be right up your aisle! Because Interviewing Your Ideal Client Avatar on Your Podcast Creates Profitability and Building Alignment in Your Business with Anna Nichols!

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